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Chris Gentz



A bit about Gentz!

Favorite Bible Stories: Exodus. I love the action and the depth of God’s rescue (Why frogs? What’s up with the Lamb?)! Mmm…it’s so good.

Favorite Book Recommendation: Humility by Andrew Murray / The Lion of War Series by Cliff Graham (had to get some fiction in there)

Favorite Quote: “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.” – Michael Scott


Favorite Music: Acapella – love it!

Favorite Snack: Bubble tea…more like a basic food need than a snack

Favorite places around Kalamazoo: Nonla Vietnamese Restaurant, Lillian Anderson Arboretum, my backyard, F45 studio at the SRC

What do you love about WMU:
The people. Most people I find are so friendly here and great people to be teamed up with. It’s a welcoming and caring place because of the people.


Why is the good news of Jesus good news to you?
There is no need for me to perform or try to be perfect, because the work of Jesus is perfect. He has done it all! I can live FREE because I trust Him and He is more than enough!

What do you do around H2O:
Pastor. Lead campus small groups. Meet people. Preach on Sundays. Lead LT. H2Strong trainer. Direct our campus ministry efforts. Pray.

A bit more about Gentz:
I live for relationships – my relationship with God and my relationship with people. I love that I get to share life with others, to be known and to know them. I love adventure. I have been to several national parks and some pretty cool places around the world. My favorite hike ever is the Narrows (top down) at Zion National Park. I enjoy hiking, exploring a new place, pushing myself to my physical limit, and seeing the beauty of God’s creation. I also enjoy a nice natural hot spring. “


My name is Chris Gentz, but everyone calls me Gentz (except my mom).

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